摘要:The World Health Organisation (WHO) independent monitoring report (IMR) for the Long-lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) replacement campaign in Nigeria aims to ensure the campaigns met the minimum WHO standard through monitoring and guiding of the processs to achieve universal LLIN coverage and stop malaria transmission. The concept of an independent monitoring report was an innovation from the Independent Monitoring Board report of the Polio Elimination Programme. The independent monitoring report was from the seven states supported by the Global Fund for the national malaria elimination programmes to learn from the observations, recommendations, and lessons learnt and to be incorporated in subsequent campaigns. The independent monitoring report has also placed emphasis on innovations through the use of e-mobile technology in strengthening quality assurance checks by disaggregating data to look coverages at the granular level. The quality assurance electronic tools created and used by the WHO for this report were adopted by the national malaria elimination programme for use in its subsequent LLINs replacement campaigns.