摘要:Groundwater is an essential part of life. The potential of groundwater is depends upon the subsurface rock and soil conditions. The following study was mainly focused the quality of groundwater in hard rock areas in and around Vallanadu hill using GIS application. The 36 water samples were collected in the study area. The water sample quality parameters such as colour, taste, and odor, turbidity, Ec, P, Alkaline, Dissolved constituents of silica, iron, Ca, Mg, K, corbonate, bicarbonate, Cl, No3, TDS was used for the study. The corrosity and rich out technaie is used for further study. The quality of groundwater study is used irrigation purpose determined by the salinity and sodium hazards analysis. The Styfzands classification is used for brackish and saltwater in the study area. The WHO standards of parameters are a dominant play role for the groundwater quality study.