摘要:Buffalos milk was cultured with appropriate dilution on MRS media for the isolation of potential probiotics and pure cultures were obtained by sub-culturing. Purification of cultures were confirmed by Grams staining and catalase test and identified based on morphological, cultural, physiological and different biochemical characteristics as presented in Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. During lactic acid bacterial (LAB) transit through the gastrointestinal tract, ingested microorganisms were exposed to successive stress factors, including low pH in the human stomach and bile salt. These isolates were examined for survival in bile salt, acidic pH, different NaCl concentrations, anti pathogenic activity, as well as survival at different storage temperatures. These stress factors can be used as criteria for the evaluation of probiotic strains. Isolated strains of Lactobacilli spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. showed satisfactory probiotic potentials.