摘要:Adaptive filters have gained popularity over the years due to their ability to adapt themselves to different environmental situations without substantial intervention by the user. The implementation of an adaptive noise cancellation filter process is done here. The filter is designed using the Recursive least square (RLS) algorithm due to its computational simplicity, robust behavior when implemented in finite-precision hardware and well understood convergence behavior. The correctness and response of the adaptive noise cancellation filter can be checked by the RLS algorithm using the Matlab/ Simulink tool. To implement this algorithm the Simulink model is used as a reference using the Xilinx Tool Box. To implement the adaptive filter on Xilinx, the System Generator (SysGen) tool in the Xilinx block set is used to generate the bit file which can be downloaded onto the FPGA through hardware co-simulation. This project presents the adaptive noise cancellation filter using RLS algorithm suitable for noise cancellation and the results are verified by plotting the output using MATLAB.
关键词:Cancelling noise;adaptive filtering process;recursive least square (rls) algorithm