摘要:Email marketing is a powerful tool through which it is possible to talk directly to the customers about todays goods and future successes. The advantage of email is in creating conventional methods, which is possible through direct post, therefore by improving management system for communicating with customers, internet network and increasing customers trust; email marketing can be developed and replaced with the traditional method of marketing. In the present article an attempt has been made to evaluate direct and indirect effects of variables on email marketing using path analysis method. In order to achieve such goal, a questionnaire consisting of 40 questions was prepared, and based on the resulted data from the questionnaire and also using path analysis method; the direct and indirect effects of these variables on email marketing were evaluated. According to T-value the internal variables, which affect directly email marketing, were separated from external variables, which are indirectly effective, and the final model for path analysis is determined. The results show that internet network system, customer relationship management, customers trust, after sale services and comprehensive advertisement have significant effect email marketing and there was not a significant relationship between teaching and learning with email marketing.
关键词:Email marketing;customer relationship management system;information system based on computer and trust