摘要:UV-visible studies on titanium oxide doped samples of poly (methyl methacrylate) films have been undertaken and the absorption data used to determine the nature of the optical transition. Further, the optical band energy gap and Urbach energy of the pure and doped samples have also been calculated. Refractive index measurements were made on the pure and titaniun oxide doped poly (methyl methacrylate) films at visible light wavelengths of 405,458, 492.2, 499, 546, 589, 632.8, 659.2, 670.2 nanometer. Modelling of the optical dispersion data was done by theoretical as well as empirical models and the quality of the fits was compared by the residuals. It was seen that both the Sellmeier and Helmholtz theoretical models as well as the Herzberger and Schott equations for optical glasses gave good fits.
关键词:Optical transition;Optical Band Energy Gap;Urbach energy;Refractive index;Optical Dispersion Models