期刊名称:International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
出版社:International Science Community Association
摘要:The present paper records the avifaunal assemblages in suburban habitat of Jammu based on the survey carried from 2011 to 2013. Line transect and point transect methods were used to study the avifaunal diversity in the area under investigation. The study recorded a total of 75 bird species representing 16 orders and 33 families .The suburban study area primarily comprises of agro ecosystem of Jammu. The study area was divided into three habitats i.e Aquatic habitat (AqH), Open cultivation habitat (OCH) and Aerial Habitat (AeH). Results indicate that the avifauna of open cultivation habitat (OCH) is more diverse than the aquatic or aerial habitat. The present paper also deals with the resident/migratory and local abundance status of avifauna of suburban habitat of Jammu.