期刊名称:International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
出版社:International Science Community Association
摘要:It has been noticed that due to insufficient capacity of treatment plants and inadequacy of sewerage system in Kota city, the wastewater generated is directly disposed off in the Chambal River through a number of open drains located in different parts of the city. The existing capacity of sewage treatment plants is far behind the required capacity looking to the wastewater generated in the city. Therefore, an analysis of existing wastewater treatment facilities and effect on water quality by direct discharge of wastewater into the Chambal River was carried out. For this purpose, data was collected from various sources related to wastewater generation, existing capacities of sewage treatment plants and future plans of respective agencies. The influent and effluent wastewater quality of sewage treatment plants and water quality parameters of the Chambal River were collected, studied and analyzed. It has been found that the existing treatment facilities are insufficient and it will take a long time to develop required infrastructure. Till then if untreated wastewater is continued to be discharged into the Chambal River, it is going to deteriorate the water quality of the river very adversely. Hence, immediate action is required to protect the only perennial river of Rajasthan.