摘要:The Monte Carlo model of the nuclear emergency medical shelter was set according to the national standard. The absorbed dose of ICRU balls, on behalf of emergency personnel in the shelter, caused by major radionuclides (60Co, 85Kr, 131I, 133Xe, 137Cs) in the air around nuclear facilities was obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. The functional relationship between the maximum working time of emergency rescuers in the shelter and the activity concentration of radionuclide outside the shelter was given. Taking 137Cs as an example, the fitting curve of shielding lead layer quality and shielding effect was obtained according to the simulation result. When the thickness of the shielded lead layer reaches 5 mm, the working time of emergency rescuers in the shelter can be effectively improved from 1 hour to 2.5 hours under the activity concentration of 7.72E+09 Bq/m3.
关键词:The Nuclear Emergency Medical ShelterICRU BallWorking TimeEffective DoseActivity Concentration