期刊名称:Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications
出版社:Emerald publishing Limited
摘要:Managing sustainability, resilience and circular economy are the key research issues inglobalbusinesstrends.Globalbusinessisnowmorecompetitive,andbusinessorganizationsneed to consider sustainability practices to improve supply chain activities (Moktadir et al.,2018a). Maintaining sustainability in supply chains imperative to achieve economic, social,environmentalandoperationalsustainability(ChowdhuryandPaul,2020;Munnyetal.,2019;Suhi et al., 2019). Likewise, supply chain resilience is the key business performance indicatorthat can help to achieve the sustainability of the business organization in the competitivemarket (Moktadir et al., 2018b). Finally, the circular economy is the concept of an industrialeconomy, in which greater resource productivity is promoted by developing ways tocontinually re-acquire and reintroduce discarded assets after the completion of one life cycle.The concept of supply chain resiliency, sustainability and circular economy becomes moreimperative in the wakeof therecent coronavirus pandemic,known as the COVID-19 (Ivanov,2020; Paul and Chowdhury, 2020a, 2020b; Sarkis et al., 2020; Taqi et al., 2020).