摘要:AbstractAircraft fault detection and prediction is a critical element of preventing failures, reducing maintenance costs, and increasing fleet availability. This paper considers a problem of rare failure prediction in the context of aircraft predictive maintenance. It presents a novel approach of predicting extremely rare failures, based on combining two deep learning techniques, auto-encoder (AE) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BGRU) network. AE is modified and trained to detect rare failure, and the result from AE is fed into the BGRU to predict the next occurrence of failure. The applicability of the proposed approach is evaluated using real-world test cases of log-based warning and failure messages obtained from the aircraft central maintenance system fleet database and the records of maintenance history. The proposed AE-BGRU model is compared with other similar deep learning methods, the proposed approach is 25% better in precision, 14% in the recall, and 3% in G-mean. The result also shows robustness in predicting failure within a defined useful period.