摘要:Background: Craving is one of the diagnostic criteria for nicotine dependence. The aim of this study was Translating and Validating of Tobacco Craving Questionnaire-Short Form (TCQ-SF) on Persian. Methods: Fifty smokers aged 15–65 years participated through a public invitation. The forward and backward translation was done according to Beaton's guideline, then all smokers completed questionnaire, in non-deprived and deprived states with a 1-week interval. After expert committee confirmed forward and backward translation, construct validity evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), mean craving scores Independent sample T-tests between high and low Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependent (FTND), and also, deprived and non-deprived smokers. The reliability assessment was done by Intraclass coefficient (ICC) and mean craving scores paired sample t test between two deprived states. The Cronbach's alpha was conducted for internal consistency. Results: The consensus Persian version of the questionnaire was obtained. The CFA indicated a significant ( P 0.001) association of four latent variables with questionnaire structure. The significant ( P 0.001) difference between craving scores in Independent sample t tests indicated the construct validity as concurrent validity. There was no significant difference ( P = 0.063) between two deprived states' scores and ICC = 0.97, indicated questionnaire reliability. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.89, shows good internal consistency. Conclusions: The results confirmed the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Tobacco Craving Questionnaire-Short Form.