期刊名称:Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:A study was conducted in 2016-17 for socioeconomic study of cabbage producing farmers in Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh. Block Pandhana district of Khandwa (M.P.) was purposively selected for the study because of its potentiality on vegetable production. A sample of 60 farmers in the ratio of 20:20:20 was selected randomly. Primary data was collected using interview schedule, direct observation, focus group discussion, key informant interview whereas secondary data was collected from various web reviews, publications and reports of different governmental as well as non-governmental agencies. This indicated that in the study area agriculture farming is basically in the hand of the farmers mostly belonged to backward classes and a few also belonged to general category. It was due to fact that elder farmers fragmented their holding into holdings due to distribution of land among the spouses. It is also apparent that (16.66%) of the cabbage growers were illiterate and got only formal education. The average size of operational land holdings of selected farmers was 1.35 hectare, 3.2 hectare and 6.6 hectare on small, medium and large size farms respectively. The entire land was owned and operated by selected farmers and none have leased out or leased in land for cultivation. Small size farm higher human labour days were a result of sufficient availability of family labour. The entire land was owned and operated by selected farmers and none have leased out or leased in land for cultivation. The average net sown area of small, medium and large size farm was 1.28, 3.04 and 6.27 hectare respectively. Almost entire land holdings were well irrigated. On the basis of above observation it may be conclude that on small size farm higher human labour days was a result of sufficient availability of family labour.