摘要:We use simulations to study the growth of a pseudobulge in an isolated thin exponential stellar disc embedded in a static spherical halo. We observe a transition from later to earlier morphological types and an increase in bar prominence for higher disc-to-halo mass ratios, for lower disc-to-halo size ratios, and for lower halo concentrations. We compute bulge-to-total stellar mass ratiosB/Tby fitting a two-component Sérsic-exponential surface-density distribution. The finalB/Tis strongly related to the disc’s fractional contributionfdto the total gravitational acceleration at the optical radius. The formulaB/T= 0.5fd1.8fits the simulations to an accuracy of 30%, is consistent with observational measurements ofB/Tandfdas a function of luminosity, and reproduces the observed relation betweenB/Tand stellar mass when incorporated into the GALICS 2.0 semi-analytic model of galaxy formation.