摘要:The hydroelastic behaviour of a river-sea-going ship hull is analysed experimentally and numerically. A segmented ship model connected by a steel backbone is tested in regular waves, and its high-frequency vibrations such as springing and whipping responses are identified. The hydroelastic response of the ship is numerically calculated using a hydroelastic time domain method based on strip theory, which is extended to include an improved model of the slamming load. The slamming forces in the bow section are determined using the Modified Longvinovich Model (MLM) instead of the Von Karman model. The vertical motions and wave-induced loads are calculated and compared with the experimental results. The response amplitude operators of the vertical loads and the high-order harmonics are analysed under different speeds, showing good agreement with the experiments. The slamming loads on the bow section of a river-to-sea ship are predicted utilizing the MLM model and compared with the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian algorithm by LS-DYNA and with the measured results.