摘要:The present study was aimed to analyze the use of N, P and Fe elements as macro and micro nutrients, respectively, followed by postharvest treatments, in response to production and quality of G. verrucosa . The experiment was a complete randomized design with four treatments and in triplicate: non-enriched; enriched with N; enriched with N+P and enriched with N+P+Fe. After harvesting from various enrichment media (0d), the seaweed were subjected to postharvest culture in the dark for 3, 8 and 12 days (3D, 8D, 12D) or left on light condition as similar to growing condition for 8 and 12 days, then continue to 3 days dark treatment (8L3D; 12L3D), respectively. The highest biomass was obtained when the seaweed culture medium enriched with combination of N+P+Fe and differ significantly with other treatments. Postharvest culture of 3D (N+P enriched) had begin elevated the agar content, while in other nutrient treatments it appeared at 8D. The highest agar content was in 8L3D (N enriched) and significantly different compare to others (p<0.05). Gel strength increased in 3D (non-enriched); 3D, 8D, 8L3D (N enriched) and 8D, 8L3D (N+P+Fe enriched), whereas the best gel strength was in 8L3D (N enriched). This suggest, enrichment with macro and micro nutrients enhanced the production and the application of postharvest culture was effective both in increasing agar content and gel strength of G. verrucosa. Especially, N enriched followed by the application of postharvest culture led the best quality of agar.