摘要:This manuscript describes an observationally-based dataset of soil evaporation for the conterminous U.S. (CONUS), gridded to a 9鈥塳m resolution for the time-period of April 2015-March 2019. This product is termed E-SMAP (Evaporation-Soil Moisture Active Passive) in which soil evaporation is estimated from the surface layer, defined by the SMAP sensing depth of 50鈥塵m, between SMAP overpass intervals that are screened on the basis of precipitation and SMAP quality control flags. Soil evaporation is estimated using a water balance of the surface soil that we show is largely dominated by SMAP-observed soil drying. E-SMAP soil evaporation is on average 0.72鈥塵m day鈭?, which falls within the range of soil evaporation estimates (0.17鈥?.89鈥塵m day鈭?) derived from operational land surface models and an alternative remote sensing product. E-SMAP is independent from existing soil evaporation estimates and therefore has the potential to improve understanding of evapotranspiration partitioning and model development.