标题:The Influence of Activity-Based Teaching Method Used in Teaching Social Studies on Students Retention and Academic Performance: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Selected Junior High School Students in Sekyere South District of Ashanti Region, Ghana
摘要:The focus of teaching methods in Ghana now has been teaching that allows the interest and needs of students to be the center of teaching and learning. One of the popular teaching methods which makes this basic aim of education possible to reach in this modern era is the use of activity-based teaching method. The paper is thrust on investigating the impact of activity-based teaching method used in teaching social studies on students’ retention and academic performance within the Sekyere South District of Ashanti Region. The study adopted the quasi-experimental research design, using both questionnaire and 40-multiple choice tests items in its investigation. The study found that activity-based teaching method was beneficial to students learning social studies in junior high school in many ways. They include: students develop high-order thinking skills, retain social studies’ concepts more easily, become active in class, interests are sustained, maximize potential in performing well in class. The study further found that activity-based teaching strategies such as collaborative learning, problem-solving learning and co-operative learning positively significantly affect students’ retention in social studies. The study again found that there is a significant difference between the academic performance of experimental and control groups.
关键词:Activity-Based Teaching;Students’ Retention;Academic Performance Social Studies