摘要:The present study examined the occurrence, and content, of auditory hallucinatory experiences in non-clinical participants scoring high or low in schizotypy. Participants listened to 10 one-minute recordings of white noise, some of which contained embedded high or low imagery words, and were asked to record any words that they heard. Results showed that high scorers on the unusual experiences scale of the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences showed a bias toward making hallucinatory reports of a low imagery type than of a high imagery type, but there were no significant differences for low UE scorers. Low scorers in impulsive nonconformity made more low imagery hallucinatory reports than high imagery reports. The results suggest a bias toward more hallucinatory reports of low imagery words.
关键词:false perceptions; hallucinations; hallucinatory content; individual differences in cognitive/perceptual biases; positive schizotypy; positive symptoms of schizophrenia