摘要:Urban green space plays an important role in treating stormwater. In a highly dense urban environment, it is difficult to create large areas of green space. To utilize green space in urban areas effectively, locating an effective green space type is important. In this study, we examined the effect of green space on runoff reduction by comparing different green space setting scenarios. By changing the green space area ratio, green space structure, street tree type, and rainfall duration and amount, we compared the runoff rates. The results showed that the green space area ratio was more effective when more than 10% of the area was green space, and the runoff reduction rate was decreased more effectively when the tree canopy LAI (leaf area index) value increased from 2 to 2.5 than when the LAI value was higher. Green space was more effective at lower intensities of rainfall events. Different green space structures cause other effects on evaporation and soil infiltration. Each strategy needs to be implemented correctly for green infrastructure policy purposes.