期刊名称:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
出版社:IOP Publishing
摘要:This study is motivated by the issue of conflicts of interest between pedestrian users and Trans Jakarta transportation service users. Current pedestrian functions aside from being a means of transferring human movements developed into a means of transit (Pedestrian Transit) of human movement. Sidewalks in the station area become a new transit point for human movement and need to be managed wisely. The existence of the Trans Jakarta shelter on Jalan Manggarai Utara 1, Manggarai Station greatly facilitates the transit of Jakarta residents who want to move to use the train facilities. On the other hand, the existence of the Trans Jakarta shelter on Jalan Manggarai Utara 1, raises problems with pedestrians. The condition of the Trans Jakarta shelter is currently taking up part of the sidewalk space, so pedestrians must go out of the sidewalk to continue their journey. This study was conducted to find out the existence of sidewalks as transit pedestrians.From the formulation of the problem, a descriptive method will be carried out. a descriptive method is carried out to make a description, description systematically factually and accurately regarding the facts, characteristics and relationships between the phenomena investigated. This description is obtained through field observations, interviews and data from relevant agencies. The method of the approach taken to achieve the predetermined goals is the Identification of Design Norms; Identification of Comparative Studies and Identification of Potentials and Problems. The results of this study is Double Deck concept, where all TransJakarta activities (ticket purchases, waiting for buses and pedestrian circulation) are diverted to the platform on the sidewalk.