期刊名称:Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
摘要:Healthcare workers (HCWs) treating and caring for patients with emerging infectious diseases often experience psychological distress. However, the psychological impact and behavior change of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic among HCWs are still unknown. This study aimed to investigate the worries and concerns of HCWs regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. In this cross-sectional survey, a web-based questionnaire was distributed among HCWs working in hospitals or clinics across Japanese medical facilities from April 20 to May 1, 2020. The questionnaire comprised items on demographics, worries and concerns, perceptions regarding the sufficiency of information, and behavioral changes pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 4386 HCWs completed the survey; 1648 (64.7%) were aged 30–39 years, 2379 (54.2%) were male, and 782 (18.1%) were frontline HCWs, directly caring for patients with COVID-19 on a daily basis. 3500 HCWs (79.8%) indicated that they were seriously worried about the pandemic. The most frequent concern was the consequence of becoming infected on their family, work, and society (87.4%). Additionally, the majority (55.5%) had restricted social contact and almost all HCWs endorsed a shortage in personal protective equipment (median, 8/9 (interquartile range; 7–9) on a Likert scale). There was no significant difference in the degree of worry between frontline and non-frontline HCWs (8/9 (7–9) vs. 8/9 (7–9), p = 0.25). Frontline HCWs, compared to non-frontline HCWs, were more likely to have the need to avoid contact with families and friends (24.8% vs. 17.8%, p < 0.001) and indicated that they cannot evade their professional duty during the COVID-19 pandemic (9/9 (7–9) vs. 8/9 (6–9), p < 0.001). Further, the extremely low proportion of frontline HCWs reported that they would take a leave of absence to avoid infection (1.2%). In conclusions, both frontline and non-frontline HCWs expressed comparable concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Because HCWs, especially frontline HCWs, reported that they cannot be obliged to do avoid their duty, effective mental health protection strategies should be developed and implemented for HCWs.