摘要:AbstractIn this paper, an energy-saving model-free adaptive control (MFAC) is proposed for the control of the bionic robotic fish. First, the original MFAC controllers for the speed based on the full form dynamic linearization data model are presented as an example of the controlled variable of the controlled object. Then by modifying the criterion function for control input optimization, an energy-saving MFAC controller is designed to reduce the energy consumption. The proposed method is a data-driven control method, which means that the control system designing process merely needs input and output (I/O) measurement data of the controlled plant, and does not need any model information. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved MFAC in speed and attitude control of the bionic robotic fish.
关键词:KeywordsModel-free adaptive controldynamic linearization data modelbionic robotic fishenergy saving control