摘要:AbstractThis paper proposes model reference adaptive control (MRAC) to actively isolate payloads from floor vibrations and direct disturbance forces. Adaptive feedforward control is used to counteract measured disturbances, whereas an adaptive feedback controller suppresses unmeasured disturbances using skyhook damping. In the considered rigid single degree of freedom system, the ideal controller gains only depend on the stiffness and damping properties of the suspension. The MRAC strategy is validated experimentally on a hard mounted vibration isolation system. Attenuation of acceleration levels beyond -40 dB are obtained in a wide frequency band 5-100Hz and the root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration in the frequency region of interest (0.1 - 100 Hz) is reduced 32 times with respect to passive isolation.
关键词:KeywordsModel reference adaptive controlMRACactive vibration isolationhigh-precision mechatronicsdisturbance feedforward control