摘要:AbstractIn this paper an optimal control approach based on a combination of inversion-based control and internal model control (IMC) is designed to keep the controlled states of a minimum-phase input-affine MIMO system within predefined tubes while respecting input constraints. This contribution extends recently presented results for the SISO case to nonlinear input-affine MIMO systems. The developed approach uses ideas developed in the design of inversion-based IMC controllers for setpoint tracking and extends them to ‘tube tracking’. It shows the interesting result that for input-affine systems the control task of maintaining each controlled state within a tube while minimizing energy consumption and respecting input constraints can be expressed as a convex quadratic optimization problem. This concept allows to handle dynamic systems where the number of control inputs differs from the number of controlled outputs are not equal. The control approach is illustrated by three simulation examples.
关键词:Keywordsinternal model controlfeedforward controlmodel-based controloptimal controldifferentially flat systemsinput-affine systemsbuilding technologytube controlband control