摘要:AbstractThis paper presents a robust and high-speed in-hand regrasping strategy on a two-dimensional plane. The proposed strategy features dynamic motion using a non-contact state with fingers. We used a pair of two-degrees-of-freedom fingers of a high-speed multi-fingered hand and a high-speed vision system. The proposed regrasping strategy consists of three phases: rotating, releasing, and catching. In all phases, visual information captured using a high-speed camera was used. The target state is the state in which the object is rotated 90◦from the initial state. Experiments were conducted with different initial grasp positions for three cubes with different diameters and masses. In the experiments, 60 regraspings were performed. We achieved a 100% success rate (60/60). Each regrasping was completed in less than 0.2 s, and the results confirmed that the proposed approach represents a robust and high-speed regrasping strategy.