摘要:The mineral composition of bovine milk plays an important role in determining its nutritional and cheese-making value. Concentrations of the main minerals predicted from mid-infrared spectra produced during milk recording, combined with cow genotypes, provide a unique opportunity to decipher the genetic determinism of these traits. The present study included 1 million test-day predictions of Ca, Mg, P, K, Na, and citrate content from 126,876 Montbéliarde cows, of which 19,586 had genotype data available. All investigated traits were highly heritable (0.50–0.58), with the exception of Na (0.32). A sequence-based genome-wide association study (GWAS) detected 50 QTL (18 affecting two to five traits) and positional candidate genes and variants, mostly located in non-coding sequences. In silico post-GWAS analyses highlighted 877 variants that could be regulatory SNPs altering transcription factor (TF) binding sites or located in non-coding RNA (mainly lncRNA). Furthermore, we found 47 positional candidate genes and 45 TFs highly expressed in mammary gland compared to 90 other bovine tissues. Among the mammary-specific genes,
SLC37A1 and
ANKH, encoding proteins involved in ion transport were located in the most significant QTL. This study therefore highlights a comprehensive set of functional candidate genes and variants that affect milk mineral content.