摘要:We studied the long-term effect of ileal transposition (IT) metabolic surgery on the hepatokines: retinol-binding protein-4 (RBP4), α-2-HS-glycoprotein (aHSG/fetuin-A), and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), C-reactive protein (CRP) plasma levels, glucose metabolism, body weight, liver histology, as well as total lipids concentration in muscle, liver, and fat tissue of obese Zucker (Crl:ZUC(ORL)-Lepr
fa) rats. 14 adult males were randomly submitted either to IT or SHAM (control) surgery. Pre-operative hepatokines plasma levels were not significantly different in rats submitted to IT or SHAM protocol. Three months after the procedures the plasma levels of RBP4, aHSG, FGF21, and CRP were significantly lower in IT-operated animals when compared to SHAM-operated group. Three and 12 weeks after the IT and SHAM surgery, the AUC
OGTT were significantly lower than AUC
OGTT before the surgery. HOMA-IR was lower in rats after IT surgery in comparison to the SHAM-operated rats. Muscle and liver total lipids concentration was reduced after the IT procedure when compared to pre-IT conditions. IT had a significant reductive impact on the body weight in comparison to SHAM surgery in the 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th week after the surgery. We conclude that IT reduces hepatokines’ plasma concentrations, muscle and liver total lipids concentration but not the inflammatory processes in the liver of Zucker (Crl:ZUC(ORL)-Lepr
fa) rats.