摘要:The bioremediation and biomass production of organic extractive organisms (polychaetes
Arenicola marina,
Hediste diversicolor and halophyte
Salicornia ramosissima) was assessed in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) framework. Culture trials were performed outdoors using the nutient rich effluent from a shrimp farm employing recirculated aquaculture systems. Similar bioremediation efficiencies were obtained in cultures using a single polyculture tank (1 T) or two trophic levels separated tanks (2 T; ≈ 0.3 and 0.6 m
2 operational area, respectively), with a reduction of 74–87% for particulate organic matter (POM), 56–64% for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and 60–65% for dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP).
Hediste diversicolor adapted well to culture conditions, reaching densities up to 5.000 ind. m
−2 (≈ 78–98 g m
Arenicola marina failed to cope with water temperature that exceeded the species thermal limits, displaying a survival < 10% (20 °C often pointed as the maximum thermal threshold for this species). Productivity of
S. ramosissima with 1 T was about twice that obtained with 2 T (≈ 150–170 and ≈ 60–90 g FW m
−2 edible aboveground biomass, respectively). The yellowish coloration of cultured plants was likely due to the chemical oxidation and rapid sand filtration pre-treatment applied to the brackish groundwater used in the aquaculture facility, that removed iron (and probably other essential elements). Overall, 1 T design combining
H. diversicolor and
S. ramosissima displayed the best bioremediation performance and biomass production, while also allowing reducing in half the operational area required to implement this IMTA framework.