摘要:Eco-innovation and green technologies are the key to Europe´s future and they are at the heart of the EU policies. To step towards the sustainable economic growth, there is a need for much more eco-innovation. The aim of the paper is to use the eco-innovation index as an instrument to measure the eco-innovation performance of a country in the global knowledge economy, to analyse and assess the components and indicators of eco-innovation index for Slovakia in the year 2017 and to compare them with those of EU 28. Identified and discussed will be the areas in which the main strengths and weaknesses are evident, formulated will be the main implications for managers and policy makers in Slovakia to improve the state in mentioned area. Following the aim of the paper a set of research questions will be formulated. Our study is based on secondary sources of data coming from the Eurostat and Eco-Innovation Observatory. The methods used in the paper are the method of casual analysis, deduction, abstraction, comparison as well as the synthesis.