摘要:Nowadays we face the intense transition of the modern education system into the digital space due to some important reasons, the main of which are development of information technologies and the environmental factor. As a result, the priority is given to online exams; this requires both the content and design of exam materials to be adapted to the demands of the modern life and business world. In this connection, the analysis of creolized international EFL exam texts becomes relevant. The study sets its purpose the systematization and description of the main verbal and non-verbal markers of minitexts from international ESL exam demo-papers, which reveal the pragmatic potential of the texts considered.The research methodological background is a combination of structural, semantic, pragmatic and cognitive text analysis.We analyze texts with full and partial creolization and signs focusing on paralinguistic means of enhancing the linguo-pragmatic potential of creolized international ESL exam texts. The study highlights the functions which are performed with the synthesis of verbal and nonverbal communicative means. The findings make a significant contribution to developing and improving the effectiveness of exam materials and the process of conducting online exams in English.