摘要:AbstractConsider a fleet ofNautonomous electric vehicles (EVs), where EVnhas a battery state βn. Customers arrive at rate λ and each customer requests a trip that costs some battery chargeb.The goal is to coordinate the pick-ups and charging of the fleet in order to minimize the discounted number of unpicked customers over an infinite time horizon. Solving the dynamic program for this scheduling problem is infeasible since the state space has an exponential size inN.We propose a distributed approach instead where each EV models the fleet as a "field" that picks the customer i.i.d. at random with some pick-up probabilityα(b). Based on this model, each EV computes its optimal charging and pick-up strategy, and reports which customer they are available to pick-up (as a function of b) or if they decided to charge. The server computes a maximal matching between customers and EVs, taking into account their reported availability. The process continues iteratively as each EV recomputes its optimal response to the new empiricalα(b). We prove that the optimal local strategy is a threshold policy with respect to βn, where the threshold depends onα(b) andb.We also prove that the empirical pick-up probabilityα(b) converges to the true stationary probability, which explains why our algorithm converges to an equilibrium. We then study our algorithm in simulations, that show that at equilibrium, its performance is significantly better than that of an uncoordinated charging strategy. Therefore, our solution has low-complexity but is still sophisticated enough to coordinate the charging of the fleet.
关键词:KeywordsScheduling algorithmsDistributed controlElectric vehiclesGame theoryTransportation control