期刊名称:Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
出版社:Çukurova University
摘要:Children are affected by messages in novels in terms of gender identity and occupational development, hence this research aims to examine occupational stereotypes. Accordingly, it was designed as a holistic single case study and ninety Turkish children's novels selected by criterion sampling were examined. Document analysis was administered on selected children's novels according to occupational investigation and classification criteria. Data were analyzed through content analysis and findings were presented descriptively. Findings reveal that in Turkish children's novels men have more various occupations than women. Additionally, more detailed information is given about men's occupations. There are occupational areas in which men and women converge and diverge in terms of frequency and variety. Men and women have both high- and low-profile occupations. However, men are more closely associated with high-profile occupations and women with low-profile occupations. Men and women have both traditional and non-traditional occupations. However, men are mostly associated with traditional occupations and women with non-traditional occupations. Consequently, it is observed that in Turkish children's novels, occupations are processed in line with gender stereotypes. However, counter examples displaying that women are occupationally breaking gender stereotypes and that occupational stereotypes and gender segregation between men and women is reduced also exist.
关键词:Çocuk edebiyatı; Türk çocuk romanları; Meslekler; Mesleki kalıplar; Toplumsal cinsiyet