摘要:The scope of land management, which includes spatial planning as an activity in the public domain, demands that a planning process that is based on publicly or societally acceptable values is a matter of necessity. This study proposes a methodology for introducing a values-led planning (VLP) approach in spatial development. The motivation of the study is to promote the embrace of assessed values in planning. The study draws from issues evoked in various topical studies on European comparative perspectives. By way of argumentation, the study makes three relevant contributions to the literature and spatial planning and development practice. First, it presents and discusses the essential elements required in the design of methodology. In this way, it figuratively depicts VLP as a consequence of interactions between four key elements of spatial planning. Second, it proposes an actual methodology for action. Third, it discusses the applicability of the methodology. The proposed methodology would be useful for planners, including public authorities, land managers, and community leaders, who make socio-spatial decisions in land management and related activities.