摘要:For a more successful formation of industrial production systems, an effective system for managing intellectual capital, knowledge and information is needed. An indispensable condition for the development of modern industry is the creation and use of information and knowledge. Industrial modernization requires an organizational and economic mechanism for resource management. When solving the problems of improving and technological development of production systems of industrial enterprises or business groups, a method for selecting a strategy for managing corporate information resources was developed. It is based on the consequences of economic monitoring of the state of the production system, which provides for the primary processing and assessment of the reliability of the results, creation of alternative predictive scenarios for changes in the state of the external and internal environment of the production system, expression of strategic goals and objectives of modernization, development of target criteria for achieving the results of modernization, alternative competing strategies for information and knowledge management, checking competing strategies against the target criterion, choosing a strategy to be applied in the improvement process. The transition to promising paths is permissible only under the condition of intensive modernization of industrial enterprises, carried out on the basis of those technical and economic decisions that will lead to the development and use of the latest NBIC technologies.