摘要:Rheological studies of soils were carried out by S.S. Vyalov, M.N. Gol’dshtejn, N.N. Maslov, G.I. Ter-Stepanyan, S.R. Meschyan, A.L. Gol’din, Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan and many others. On the basis of existing rheological soil models, a new universal rheological equation was proposed in Ter-Martirosyan’s dissertation, which allows describing kinematic shear, creep and stress relaxation at the same parameters. Experimental studies of the soil were carried out in a simple shear device in a kinematic loading mode at a shear displacement rateu̇= 0.05 mm/min and at two values of compaction loads (σ1σ2). Based on the results of the experimental studies, the parameters of the elastoviscoplastic model were determined and graphs of the dependence of shear stresses on time were plotted, which clearly show the high convergence of the experimental and theoretical curves.