摘要:Neural information is encoded by action potentials delivered by neurons. Which component of neural activity constitutes the basic unit carrying information is still a controversial issue. In this paper, stimulation experiments using a network of hippocampal neurons cultured on a multi-electrode array are used to investigate this issue. The results show that for a set of pulse stimuli with varying voltage amplitude, the neuronal response to the fronto-potential sequence encodes more information through the moment of fronto-potential delivery than the number of fronto-potential deliveries, and that neurons at each locus are encoded independently of each other. After the addition of bicuculline inhibited the GABAA receptors, the information capacity decreased and the temporal resolution decreased, but the neurons at each site were still encoded independently. The results suggest that the encoding of stimulus amplitude in the cultured hippocampal neuronal network is better with spike timing than with count, and the effect of timing encoding is dependent on GABAA receptors.