摘要:The citrus red mite,Panonychus citri and the two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae are important pests of citrus orchards and strawberry fields and greenhouses,respectively and their lack of control causes significant damage to the plants.Excessive usage of various types of pesticides has increased the resistance of pests to them.In this research,the contact toxicity of several different bio- rational and chemical compositions on the eggs and adult stages of these mites was investigated.The treatments includ-ed dishwashing liquid 10 ml/L,Dayabon 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 ml/L,Palizin 1.5,2 and 2.5 ml/L,Palizin 1.5,2 and 2.5 + Citrol oil 5 ml/L,Tondexir 2 and 3 + Bartar soap 1 ml/L,Malathion 0.5 ml/L and control (water).At 24,48 and 72 hours after spraying with different concentrations,dead mites were counted.The results of data analysis showed that there is a significant difference between different treatments on both mites.The highest mortality rate was observed in 72 hours after treatment with Tondexir 3 and 2 ml/L + Bartar soap 1 ml/L,which resulted in mortality of 98.13%,42.91% in the citrus mite and 84.40% and 82.39% in the two-spotted spider mite,respectively.The results showed that the used botanical pesticides have the ability to control the aforementioned mites at a desirable level and can be a suitable alternative for other high risk acaricides.
关键词:Citrus red mite;two-spotted spider mite;chemical treatments;mortality;Tondexir