摘要:CO flooding is one of the effective methods toimprove oil and gas recovery.The property of CO2varies under supercritical,gaseous,and liquid phases.The exterior and stability in the different phases ofcOfoam also vary.Using a high-temperature andhigh-pressure foam instrument,the gaseous,liquid,and supercritical CO2 foam performance was studied.Experimental results show the exterior formation ofsupercritical CO: foam between gaseous and liquidCOz.The CO stabilizes when the pressure increasesand the temperature decreases,but pressure has amore significant impact than temperature.The CO,foam volume and half-time will decrease as the tem-perature rises.Meanwhile,the foaming ability andfoam stability of CO: bubbles are significantly in-creased as the pressure rises,especially in the super-critical state.In the foam block test,the supercriticalcOfoam resistance factor is higher than that in thegaseous and liquid CO2foam systems.
关键词:CO2 foam;supercritical;phase;visualization foam meter;oil and gas recovery