摘要:With the increasing demand of agricultural logistics,China's agricultural logistics is facing serious problems such as backward cold chain logistics construction of agricultural products,imperfect online logistics system of agricultural products and lack of information platform of agricultural logistics.In this context,based on the concept of shared logistics,this study built an agricultural shared logistics platform based on “Internet Plus”,established the link between logistics resource supplier and demander,studied the operation mode of agricultural shared storage and agricultural shared transportation in the shared logistics platform; in addition,taking the logistics distribution efficiency as the evaluation index of the operation of agricultural shared platform,this paper studied the influence law of various logistics factors by establishing response surface model.The results showed that agricultural shared storage and agricultural shared transportation mode can improve the utilization of storage resources,improve the level of transportation services,and promote the healthy development of agricultural transportation.The results of response surface experiment showed that in a certain range,agricultural logistics distribution efficiency can be effectively improved by improving the degree of enterprise informationization,the degree of agricultural logistics equipment perfection and the degree of dot layout.The optimized quadratic multiple regression model is R = 80.86 + 14.23A + 11.28B + 6.93C + 6.4AB -6.51A2 -10.56B2 .
关键词:Internet Plus;agricultural logistics;sharing;agricultural logistics distribution efficiency