摘要:A field experiment is carried out in Anbar province for the spring of 2018 in a gypsiferous soil with a sandy clay loam to study the effect of perlite (PL),quantity and intervals of irrigation (IQ & IT) on the consumption and efficiency of water use (WC & WUE) and total yield (TY) of potatoes.PL is added at 0,4 and 8% of soil volume (SV).IQ is added at 100 and 50% of net depth of irrigation (NDI) are applied.Two ITs every 3 and 6 days are applied.The treatments are distributed according split-split plots system within the design of completely randomized blocks (RCBD) with three replications.The irrigation is scheduled based on the American evaporation basin Class A.PL of 8% of SV led to the WUE of 22.78 kg.m-3 at 50% NDI and IT every 3 days,while it is less WUE when compared to control treatment,reaching 7.15 kg.m-3 at 100% IQ every 6 days IT.The addition of PL of 8% SV achieved the highest TY of 29 tons.ha-1 at the level of 100% IQ and every 3 days IT compared to control treatment,where it gave the lowest TY of 11.2 tons.ha-1 at IQ of 50% NDI with IT every 6 days.The stabilization of the perlite addition factor with 50% NDI and IT of 3 days have led to save (987.875 m3,ha-1) of irrigation water.