摘要:The study of heathlands dominated by <i>Erica australis</i>, <i>E. umbellata</i> and <i>Cistus populifolius</i> in the centre and west of the Iberian Peninsula allows us to separate the eight shrubland communities. The taxonomic analysis of <i>E. australis</i> distinguishes two subspecies: <i>E. australis</i> subsp. <i>australis</i> and <i>E. australis</i> subsp. <i>aragonensis</i>. The statistical treatment confirms the differences between the suballiances <i>Ericenion aragonensis</i> and <i>Ericenion umbellatae</i>. This ecological, bioclimatic, biogeographical and floristic study has allowed us to differentiate three new associations from the remaining five: TCp = <i>Teucrio oxylepis-Cistetum populifolii</i> nova. HEau = <i>Halimio ocymoidis-Ericetum australis</i> nova. DEu = <i>Drosophyllo lusitanicae-Ericetum umbellatae</i> nova. ECp = <i>Erico australis-Cistetum populifolii</i> Rivas Goday 1964. PCp = <i>Polygalo microphyllae-Cistetum populifolii</i> Rivas Goday 1964. HEa = <i>Halimio ocymoidis-Ericetum aragonensis</i> Rivas-Martínez 1979. HEu = <i>Halimio ocymoidis-Ericetum umbellatae</i> Rivas Goday 1964. UEu = <i>Ulici eriocladi-Ericetum umbellatae.</i>