摘要:For an institution to be classified as one of the best or worst, it largely depends on the people behind it. An institution’s human resource is, therefore, seen as its most important asset. This paper investigates the role of employee commitment in linking some components of organizational culture to employee intention to stay. Components of organizational culture investigated in this paper include work environment, reward system, work environment, and leadership. Data for this study was obtained through a survey of staff of Kumasi Technical University in Ghana with the help of a questionnaire modified and simplified from pre-validated instruments proposed by early researchers. A total of 216 responses were sought from the permanent staff of the university (teaching, non-teaching). Analysis of the study was completed using LISREL software. Parameter estimates of the best-fitting model reveal that commitment mediates the relationship between three components of organizational culture (i.e., reward system, work environment, and leadership) and employee intention to stay. An important conclusion of this study is that a committed employee still requires a well-structured reward system, conducive work environment, and quality leadership from management of institutions to inform their decision to remain in the service of that organization or otherwise.