摘要:A ternary logic decoder (TLD) is demonstrated with independently controlled double-gate (ICDG) silicon-nanowire (Si-NW) MOSFETs to confirm a feasibility of mixed radix system (MRS). The TLD is essential component for realization of the MRS. The ICDG Si-NW MOSFET resolves the limitations of the conventional multi-threshold voltage (multi-
th) schemes required for the TLD. The ICDG Si-NW MOSFETs were fabricated and characterized. Afterwards, their electrical characteristics were modeled and fitted semi-empirically with the aid of SILVACO ATLAS TCAD simulator. The circuit performance and power consumption of the TLD were analyzed using ATLAS mixed-mode TCAD simulations. The TLD showed a power-delay product of 35 aJ for a gate length (
G) of 500 nm and that of 0.16 aJ for
G of 14 nm. Thanks to its inherent CMOS-compatibility and scalability, the TLD based on the ICDG Si-NW MOSFETs would be a promising candidate for a MRS using ternary and binary logic.