摘要:The studies confirm that instructions and feedback that induce external focus of attention (oriented on movement outcome) result with greater efficiency in motor performance and learning regarding internal focus of attention (oriented on bodily dimensions). Advantages and differences between external and internal focus of attention have been proved also in different levels of sport and recreational expertise. In this study, 10 recreational archers were tested in three different conditions: C1 - freely oriented focus of attention, C2 – internally oriented focus of attention, and C3 – externally oriented focus of attention. The subjects first undertook the C1 condition, and afterwards the next two conditions were randomly decided. According to the hypothesis, the main goal was to investigate the effect of external and internal focus of attention on precision of the shots. According to the results, in externally focused condition, recreational archers had better results than in other conditions with higher number of 9 points and lesser number of misses. Based on findings from this paper, adopting an external focus of attention should be beneficial for the shot precision, self-fulfillment and feelings of accomplishment in recreational archers.
其他摘要:Raziskave potrjujejo, da imajo navodila in povratne informacije, ki sprožajo zunanji fokus pozornosti (usmerjen na rezultat gibanja), za posledico večjo učinkovitost motorične izvedbe in učenja v primerjavi z notranjim fokusom pozornosti (usmerjen na telesne mere). Prednosti in razlike med zunanjim in notranjim fokusom pozornosti so dokazane na različnih nivojih športne in rekreacijske sposobnosti. V tej raziskavi je bilo testiranih 10 rekreativnih lokostrelcev v treh različnih pogojih: C1 – prosto usmerjen fokus pozornosti, C2 – notranje usmerjen fokus pozornosti in C3 – zunanje usmerjen fokus pozornosti. Osebe so bile najprej testirane v C1 pogoju ciljanja, potem pa je bil vrstni red pogojev naključno izbran. Glavni cilj hipoteze je bil raziskati učinke zunanjega in notranjega fokusa pozornosti na natančnost zadetka. Rezultati so pokazali, da so imeli rekreativni lokostrelci ob zunanje usmerjenem fokusu pozornosti boljše rezultate kot v ostalih pogojih, večje število 9-ic in manj zgrešenih strelov.