摘要:Phonological awareness, the ability to distinguish and make use of any phonetic unit contained in the word structure of colloquial language, involves two major aspects, manipulation of sounds, and detection of sounds. The former one can be subdivided into counting, separating, combining of syllables and substitution of phoneme, while the latter one mainly refers to distinguishing similarities and differences among the first syllables, the rhymes and tones. Based on syllables, this study analyzes the acquisition order reflected by the monosyllable and the multisyllables by tracking, recording and separating the syllables into more detailed phonemes, as well as induces the development of infants’ phonological awareness from the aspects of pronunciation difficulty, spelling difficulty, related pronunciation development and the tone awareness through studies of the manipulation of sounds in the phonological awareness.
关键词:infants;Complexity of syllables;Syllables;Phoneme;Formant