摘要:The current problem of crime countermeasure should be viewed not only as a mere juridical-normative problem, but also cover other areas of life. Aside from being a violation of human rights, the existence of these sanctions are not more than a state shortcut because the conventional sanctions function less optimally. Proportionality of the costs expended compared with the benefits gained is important to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of how crime is overcome . Nowadays, violence against children, a crucial problem for Indonesia, requires countermeasures that are not only effective but also efficient, it is necessary for an economic approach to estimate potential costs of violence against children, therefore it can be a source of information for policy makers or authorities in order to protect children from all forms of violence. It is a reasonable demand if crime countermeasure in the era of globalization does not only empower the strength of the normative aspects of legislation an sich, but it also needs to involve economic considerations in it. The legal issues examined in this article are the urgency of cost analysis as a policy to overcome the crime of violence against children.