摘要:Global competitiveness, based on the international division of labor, the use of factors of production and the country's place in the world market ensures the ability of the state to participate in the competition and the full use of its own competitive advantages. Globalization processes have negative consequences for functioning of national economies, which actualizes the problem of ensuring the economic security of countries. The economic security of the state is the criterion of the effectiveness of the state economic policy and characterizes the overall level of the country's economy; the presence and level of threats to the state, society or person; the effectiveness of state regulation of the economy; the full implementation of the functions of the state. At the same time, its analytical tools are based on the most important parameters of the state of the economic system, its stability and mobility: GDP growth, the level and quality of life of the majority of the population, inflation, unemployment, the structure of the economy, the property stratification of the population, criminalization and shadowing of the economy, the state of the technical and technological base of the economy, spending on research, import dependence, economic openness, internal and external debt.