摘要:The article deals with the categories of competency as the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful and future professional activities and students’ professional-subjective attitude as an integrative personality trait, manifested in the willingness to master professional experience and based on the independent development of professional and personal qualities through initiative inclusion in creative professionally oriented activities. The formation of a professionalsubjective attitude provides the basis for the development of professional competencies, which, in turn, are the key goal and the result of the educational process. The paper proposes a model for the formation of the professional-subjective attitude of the medical university students. The motivational, cognitive, professional-practical and professional-medical components are distinguished. The motivational component includes the motivation of a student to learn, to get a profession, to form a professionalsubjective attitude and also involves self-estimation of the attitude by the student himself. The cognitive component considers the process of forming a professional-subjective attitude in the student's educational activity (moreover, this process is conscious). The professional-practical component involves the formation of a professional-subjective attitude of students through activities in the educational environment attitude and problems solving.