摘要:The article is devoted to the research of career orientations (career "anchors") with education and labor activity motivation of students. 114 students of "Psychological and pedagogical education" took part in the study. It is revealed that the most adequate motivation of education expressed in the predominance of motives for acquiring knowledge and mastering the profession is associated with career orientations "service / dedication to a cause", "pure challenge", "technical / functional competence". In other words, it is connected with aspiration to realize basic values in their careers, to improve the world, to develop and apply professional skills, to solve difficult problems, to overcome obstacles, to win. The career anchor of "service / dedication to a cause" is also associated with an increase of the communicative motive and a decrease of the competitive motive of labor activity. The more students are guided by the formal motive of getting a diploma of higher education, the less the stability of a career is valuable for them. The more utilitarian and pragmatic motive of labor activity is expressed in students, the less they are inclined to managerial or entrepreneurial career. The more autonomy and independence in career is valuable for students, the less social usefulness of labor (cooperative motive) is important for them.